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Publication in occasion of 50 years diplomatic relations between Austria and China

Updated: Mar 19, 2021

"Once upon a time in China..." this how the title of the new book in occasion of 50 years diplomatic relations between Austria and China, edited by Gernd Kaminski, could be translated into English. Various authors, among others, Eurasia-Pacific Uninet network President Univ.-Prof. Dr. Wolf-Dieter Rausch, let us know about their personal experience in and with China. We learn about their connection to China - from different perspectives and backgrounds and every chapter is written from a very personal point of view.

The Eurasia-Pacific Uninet is pleased to announce the upcoming release of the book "Es war einmal in China. Berührende, dramatische, romantische und skurrile Erinnerungen von Bekannten und Unbekannten", published by BACOPA (available in German only).

For further information (in German) on what "Once upon a time in China..." is all about and also on where the book can be ordered soon, please see here.

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